Hello, Hanoi

Good morning, Vietnam!

I’ve long wanted to visit Vietnam and here I am. With a business meeting scheduled for next week, I took the opportunity to fly into Hanoi a few days early to explore the northern Vietnam city. I splurged on the famous Metropole Hotel, where one of my favorite authors, Graham Greene, used to hang his hat back in his correspondent days. I’m glad I did. The place is spectacular.

But, I’m not sure you need to stay in a luxurious remnant of the country’s colonial past to be charmed by Hanoi. The city simply bustles with energy. Once you learn that there’s a method to the scooter madness and that you needn’t frogger your way across the whizzing streets, but rather walk confidently and deliberately allowing mopeds to swerve around you, you will find yourself in the old quarter. It’s the beating heart of Hanoi and easily my favorite place I’ve visited since I’ve been living on this end of the world.

There are people everywhere, wares slung over their shoulders or laid out for inspection and purchase. Amazing food taunts you at almost every moment; the hardest thing is to choose which restaurant’s tiny blue stool you’re going to grab.